
Eat Better, Feel Better!

I really enjoy learning new health tips and sharing them as well. So I thought I'd share 3 tips that I learned a long time ago but that I use every day...

Here they are!

1-Drink More Water
So, I'm one of those people that actually enjoys drinking water (many people don't). But I have this bad habit of convincing myself that drinking a lot of juice or sugar packed coffee drinks is totally okay because I'm not actually eating anything unhealthy. WRONG! I haven't had any soda in years, but I make up for that by drinking a lot of sugary juices. Those kind of drinks are packed with calories and sugar, and are not doing our bodies any favors.

Water on the other hand is the best drink out there. Not only does it help you maintain a healthy weight but it also helps keep your skin looking young (Woot! Woot!), it helps prevents colds, and it helps with digestion as well. Drink water throughout the day, and your body will thank you.

2-Make Fruits and Veggies Your Best Friend
You've always known fruits and veggies are good for you, and for that we have your mother to thank. At dinner time, vegetables should take up about half of your plate. Lately I've been incorporating more fruits and vegetables in my meals, and it feels amazing and I also really like having a colorful plate. Adding more of this to your diet boosts energy, reduces heart disease, helps decrease bone loss, and of course helps maintain a healthy weight.

3-Fiber It Up
At the gym I work at, sometimes people ask; "How can I have more energy? I've tried everything!", or "How can I reduce more belly fat?" Well folks, say hello to fiber. Boosting your fiber intake has a long list of benefits, including having A LOT more energy, and slimming that belly down. A few ways to sneak more fiber into your diet are:

1) Try replacing refined breads with whole grain breads
2) Eat more almonds, cashews, and pistachios
3) On your list of snacks include; apples, popcorn, and a 1/2 cup of berries
4) Eat more beans
5) Add flaxseed to your yogurt, oatmeal, and/or salad

Keep in mind to add fiber to your diet slowly, you need to give your body time to adjust to your new fiber intake.

Hope these small tips help you all as much as they've helped me! Happy eating!


Four Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies!

-1 egg
-1 teaspoon of baking soda
-1 cup of smooth or crunchy peanut butter
-1 cup of sugar
(I've also tried it with a 1/2 cup of sugar, and it's still pretty sweet)

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees 
-Mix the peanut butter and sugar (until smooth)
-Mix in baking soda and egg
-Drop by spoonful onto cookie sheet
-Bake until done (about 5-7 minutes)

*Makes 17 cookies/36 calories per cookie

Enjoy! :) 


Breakfast Blessings

In the middle of every semester there comes a moment where time becomes gold. There are so many assignments that are due, and time becomes even more precious than usual. During this time, I sometimes put my school work above my relationships. I get so focused on all the assignments that I forget that that's not my sole purpose. In this college phase of life it is very easy to get into this mindset of; work, work, work, work. When that happens (which it did this week), God quickly reminds me of the importance of investing in others. This week I had a friend who contacted me multiple times wanting to get coffee and chat. With all the assignments coming my way, I pushed the coffee date towards the end of the week. The next day while I was grabbing a quick breakfast on campus, I saw this sweet friend who greeted me with a hug. Immediately the Lord spoke to my heart and led me to invite her to sit and eat breakfast with me. I had two hours before my next class, and for those two hours I put all my assignments aside and focused all of my attention on her. It turns out that my friend is going through a rough patch in life and is struggling with finding her identity in Christ. Something all of us have struggled with at some point.

All this to say, that sometimes we get so caught up in what we are doing that we don't realize that there are people around us who need someone to talk to, someone to listen. God gives us so many opportunities to pour into people's lives, and sometimes we miss it. How many times have you asked Christ to use you in someone's life? I pray that prayer all the time, yet this week I failed to realize that my friend needed a shoulder and that was the opportunity God was giving me. God helped me get my priorities in check, and realize that sometimes we need to put things on pause, and just be there for someone. I not only got to enjoy a delicious breakfast, but I also got to invest in a friend. God is good!